Classroom Seminars: Session 3 - Topic 3 What Buyers are Looking for When They Look to Purchase a Marina
Andrew Cantor - Colliers
Dan Grovatt - Colliers | Leisure Property Advisors
Matt Putnam - Leisure Property Advisors/Colliers
Dan Grovatt - Colliers | Leisure Property Advisors
Matt Putnam - Leisure Property Advisors/Colliers

So, what are buyers really looking for when they look to purchase a marina? “Cash flow from boat storage”. OK, presentation over! While that may be partially true, especially for institutional buyers, there is a lot of nuance in the buyer pool and many important factors beyond boat storage income that buyers are considering. Since there is no Zillow for marinas, this presentation will explore many of those factors and discuss topics about how owners and their staff members can best position their marina through a hold period to maximize value when the time comes to divest.