Tuesday, October 18, 2022 | ||||
Registration Desk Opens for the Ventura Harbor Tour Attendees | 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM | This is a pre-conference event and requires an additional fee. | ||
Registration Desk Opens for the Marina Operations Seminar Attendees | 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM | This is a pre-conference event and requires an additional fee. | ||
Transportation for the Ventura Harbor Tour Leaves From The Hotel | 9:00 AM | This is a Pre-Conference Event With an Additional Fee. | ||
Marina Operations Part 1: Digital Sales Management & Part 2: A Deep Dive into the MRA’s New Sample Wharfage Contract 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to get your brand in front of those customers who are constantly connected to the internet and their mobile devices. Whether you’re looking to foster brand awareness, increase website traffic, help people find your location, or drive sales, it’s crucial that you manage the digital infrastructure of your business. In this workshop, you’ll work with marketing experts to learn how to make sure that your business is showing up in the right spaces online, in the right way. Topics of discussion and support will include websites, social media, online listings, online review platforms, digital newsletters, creating content, communicating digitally, connecting with your audience, understanding analytics, and more! Bring your laptops as this is an interactive session and we will work to help you set up, optimize, and even audit your online accounts. By the end, you will have a better sense of what it takes to effectively manage your digital infrastructure and how you can leverage digital media to impact your business results. Marina Operations Part 2: A Deep Dive into the MRA’s New Sample Wharfage Contract A Golden Opportunity to Polish Your Contractual Shield The MRA’s General Counsel, Phil Weiss, a Certified Specialist in Admiralty and Maritime Law, will present and discuss a substantially updated sample comprehensive wharfage contract that will be available for exclusive use by MRA members. Almost all of the rights and remedies available to marinas are controlled by wharfage contracts. This is why they are of paramount importance. Marina owners and operators are strongly urged to view wharfage contracts as living, breathing documents, that should be reviewed at least yearly, in order to confirm they are accomplishing the intended purposes. Most wharfage contracts, especially those that have not been revised in recent years, are “ripe” for significant improvements, in order to better foster and protect the marina’s interests. During this presentation we will carefully review and discuss the terms and conditions of the new wharfage contract sample. Attendees’ questions and comments will be encouraged. Many MRA members have attended a regional training seminar during which wharfage contracts were discussed. This presentation will explore wharfage contracts in far greater detail. + Rules and Regulations incorporation into wharfage contract (including use of water/power connections; safe mooring; fishing/swimming; vessels overhanging slip; noise/conduct; dock obstructions; restrictions on vessel repairs/work; prohibition against affixing satellite or other items to marina property; restrictions pertaining to pets; storage of flammable materials; use of dock carts; parking restrictions/requirements; and best management practices) In addition to the above, Mr. Weiss will briefly discuss marina remedies available when a vessel owner fails to remove his/her vessel from the marina following termination of the wharfage contract. To emphasize the particular importance of certain wharfage contract terms, Mr. Weiss will “weave” into his presentation some “war stories,” illustrating how well-drafted contract terms can avoid or minimize issues caused by “problem” tenants – all marinas have a few, right? Please join Mr. Weiss and your colleagues for this informative, interactive presentation.
This is a pre-conference event and requires an additional fee. Lunch is included. | ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
27th Annual Golf Tournament - Sandpiper Golf Club | 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM | This is a pre-conference event and requires an additional fee. | ||
Registration Desk Opens for Exhibitors | 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM | |||
Registration Desk Opens for Attendees | 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM | |||
New Member/Attendee Welcome and Orientation | 4:45 PM - 5:15 PM | |||
Opening Reception for guest | 5:15 PM - 7:15 PM | |||
Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall | 5:15 PM - 7:15 PM | Golf Awards will be presented during this time. | ||
Wednesday, October 19, 2022 | ||||
Registration Desk Opens | 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM | |||
Breakfast with the Exhibitors | 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM | |||
Presidents' Welcome (Darryl McConnell Leadership Award and Innovation Awards Presentation) | 8:30 AM - 8:50 AM | ![]() ![]() | ||
Welcome to Santa Barbara - Randy Rowse, Mayor | 8:50 AM - 9:00 AM | |||
General Membership Meeting, Elections, Benefits of MRA - 50th Anniversary | 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM | |||
Keynote - Frank Hugelmeyer | 9:15 AM - 10:00 AM | ![]() | ||
Coffee with the Exhibitors | 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM | |||
California and National Legislative Updates and the Legislative Process | 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM | ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Professionalism in the Marina/Harbor Industry and How it has Changed in the Past Decade - Part 1 | 11:30 AM - 12:25 PM | Customer expectation, investment, and workforce competition have been drivers for a transformation of the recreational maritime industry. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Lunch with the Exhibitors | 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | Exhibit Hall will be closed during lunch. | ||
Classroom Seminars: Session 1 - Topic 1 Quality Customer Experiences & Creating the WOW Factor | 1:30 PM - 2:25 PM | We may be in the business to make money, but we also are in the business to make memories. Memories come from experiences, and experiences are only memorable if they have a quality foundation. Memorable experiences promote loyalty and the bar is raised now more than ever to not only meet, but exceed, those expectations that are set for us by our customers, guests, or members. The experiences we make should be personal rather than transactional, and in this everchanging era of innovation and “the next best thing,” how do we promote a culture of quality and genuine care across our team members so that they are giving our customers, guests, and members an experience that keeps them loyal to our business? | ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 1 - Topic 3 Happenings at the Division of Boating and Waterways and Discussion of the Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE) Program | 1:30 PM - 2:25 PM | Deputy Director, Ramona Fernandez, Chief of Loans and Grants, Keren Dill staff will provide an update on the Boating and Waterways Commissions stakeholder engagement process of developing recommendations to increase Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund revenues, cost savings, and improved services for California Boating. The Division will share about its grant opportunities for Marinas and will welcome questions, feedback, and discussion of the Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE) grant program. | ![]() ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 1 - Topic 2 How to Conduct a Workplace Investigation | 1:30 PM - 2:25 PM | In the current business environment, how companies investigate potential misconduct can affect that company’s reputation almost as much as the alleged conduct itself. Consistent principles and procedures must be followed whenever allegations of misconduct are investigated. This session will teach managers the principles needed to complete a workplace investigation while reviewing three case studies involving a fire at a fuel dock, suspected drug use, and a sexual assault claim. | ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 2 - Topic 2 Commercial Harbor Craft Rule Making Status | 2:30 PM - 3:25 PM | Overview of the recently adopted amendments to the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation, effective January 1, 2023. The amendments will require vessels engaging in commercial activity to upgrade to cleaner technology, in some cases transitioning to zero-emission operations. The amendments will result in an 89% reduction in diesel particulate matter and a 54% reduction in oxides of nitrogen emissions from harbor craft. Additional stringency is also required for harbor craft operating near disadvantaged communities in California. The amendments are in the process of being submitted to the Office of Administrative Law and are expected to be approved by the end of 2022. | ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 2 - Topic 1 Employment Challenges Round Table | 2:30 PM - 3:25 PM | Please join us for a review of a recent wage survey. This survey was focused on both public and private marine facilities including marinas, boatyards, dry storage, and yacht clubs. The region was broken down into the following segments: Northern California, SF Bay, Delta, Central California, Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada. Wage range data will be analyzed from maintenance to administrative roles. This will be an interactive session with a Q&A portion. | ![]() ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 2 - Topic 3 BOATING WITHOUT OWNING - Attracting The Next Generation of Boaters | 2:30 PM - 3:25 PM | Where will the next generation of boaters come from? This is the question on the minds of many participants in the Marina Industry. Jim Blaze of Freedom Boat Club and Skip Abed of Santa Barbra Sailing Center believe they may have an answer: boating without owning. Jim and Skip will discuss their companies approach to getting people out onto the water and into the world of boating. | ![]() ![]() | |
Refreshments with the Exhibitors | 3:30 PM - 3:55 PM | |||
Classroom Seminars: Session 3 - Topic 1 Rent Control On Boats Averted—For Now | 4:00 PM - 4:55 PM | ‘A berth or not a berth – that was the question…’. Local ordinance targeted at marinas rears its ugly head in Sacramento showdown--MRA takes action on California Assembly Bill 282. Come hear the saga! There is an old marketing adage that if you want to know what the country will look like in 10 years, look at what is happening in California today. If that is true of the City of Alameda’s efforts to impose the first rent control ordinance in the country on recreational marinas, then marina owners and operators take heed! Find out the City’s possible motives, methodology and how they attempted to implement this at the state level. Hear about the collective efforts of local operators, boaters and the MRA to educate the City and public on how this could threaten the safety and cleanliness of the harbors and the Bay. | ![]() ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 3 - Topic 2 Cyber Liability Explained: Hacking Trends of COVID | 4:00 PM - 4:55 PM | MRA & LP Insurance are partnering with the cyber specialists at Evolve MGA (www.evolvemga.com) to conduct a 45 minute cyber webinar training course to explain in non-technical terms, how to understand cyber exposures and coverages. The course will break down the top two cyber claims and review real claims examples, all while demonstrating key coverages and coverage gaps to avoid when purchasing a cyber policy. This course will highlight the ever-changing cyber landscape, COVID related cyber exposures, new hacking trends, and cyber security best practices that businesses can implement to reduce their cyber risk during this critical time. | ![]() ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 3 - Topic 3 What Buyers are Looking for When They Look to Purchase a Marina | 4:00 PM - 4:55 PM | So, what are buyers really looking for when they look to purchase a marina? “Cash flow from boat storage”. OK, presentation over! While that may be partially true, especially for institutional buyers, there is a lot of nuance in the buyer pool and many important factors beyond boat storage income that buyers are considering. Since there is no Zillow for marinas, this presentation will explore many of those factors and discuss topics about how owners and their staff members can best position their marina through a hold period to maximize value when the time comes to divest. | ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Game Night on the Plaza | 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM | |||
Game night for guest | 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM | |||
Thursday, October 20, 2022 | ||||
Registration Desk Opens | 6:45 AM - 2:00 PM | |||
Continental Breakfast with the Exhibitors | 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM | |||
Boating and the Economic Impact in California | 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM | Recreational boating and fishing, as major economic drivers in California, deliver over $13 Billion in economic impact in the state each year. As one of the top 10 boating states in the U.S., recreational boating creates over 41,000 jobs in California and contributes over $2 Billion in GDP. Robert Newsome, Senior Vice President of Operations for the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), will be discussing boating participation, sales trends and other elements of economic impact resulting from Californian’s passion for boating and outdoor recreation. | ![]() | |
Economic Forecast | 8:50 AM - 9:25 AM | Dr. Haveman will provide an overview and prognosis for the future of the U.S. Economy. This will include a detailed look at important economic indicators such as GDP, employment, and inflation as well as a look at important government policies throughout the pandemic and recently to reduce inflation. Close attention will be paid to the most recent significant changes in the economic environment. | ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 1 - Topic 3 Historic Aspects of Ports and Harbors | 10:00 AM - 10:55 AM | The presentation will cover various historic waterfront projects that I have been exposed to in my career, mostly in northern California. These will include: Alcatraz Island (1850-present), Beltline Train Ferries in SF Bay (1910-1970), Santa Cruz Wharf (1914-present), Crissy Field/SF Marina (1910-present), Sterns Wharf, Harford Pier at Port San Luis, and the Egyptian Tombs (3,000 BC) | ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 1 - Topic 2 Future of batteries and boating : What Is Real? | 10:00 AM - 10:55 AM | Who are the customers of sustainable boats? What is the likely market for early adopters? What are the opportunities and the challenges? | ![]() ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 1 - Topic 1 Professionalism in the Marina/Harbor Industry and How it has Changed in the Past Decade - Part 2 | 10:00 AM - 10:55 AM | Customer expectation, investment, and workforce competition have been drivers for a transformation of the recreational maritime industry. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 2 - Topic 1 Sustainable Tourism Concerns: What They Are and the Marina's Role | 11:00 AM - 11:55 AM | Sustainable Tourism has become a topic of discussion in several venues all over the world more precisely in resort areas. This issue became more evident during the Covid pandemic when tourism at outdoor recreation areas became more popular as a destination especially when it could avoid air travel and accessible within a few hours of driving time. This sudden increase in visitation created several negative impacts to the local communities, governing jurisdictions, housing, traffic and resources. In response, it became evident that Marketing strategies needed to be redirected, limiting access needed to be considered, planning jurisdictions needed to re assess their ability to accommodate the increased demands on their infrastructure and surrounding resident communities needed to have their concerns addressed. Also from an environmental standpoint resources were possibly being stressed to a point of no return. Efforts to address these issues range from Destination Marketing Organizations changing to Destination Management Organizations and studying what can be done to control the over demand. This creates an opportunity for marinas, especially those in resort areas, to participate in any actions that might be ongoing in their communities concerning these issues in order to understand the future of boating growth in our industry. | ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 2 - Topic 2 E-Marine: Preparing for the Electric Era | 11:00 AM - 11:55 AM | A broad overview of the emerging electric boat market. The panel will discuss recreational and commercial applications of electric propulsion, existing and emerging OEM’s, charging infrastructure, battery technology and legislative carrots and sticks. Scott from Aqua Superpower marine charging network will be joined by Photon Marine, an electric Outboard manufacturer from Oregon, Romeo Batteries from LA, and Jessica Singh Consulting who is up to date with State and Federal Incentives.
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Classroom Seminars: Session 2 - Topic 3 How Climate Change will Impact California's Coastal Marine-Weather Conditions | 11:00 AM - 11:55 AM | Longer-period swells (higher-energy waves), higher sea levels, stronger and more persistent northwesterly winds, more significant amounts of upwelling, and more severe swings in seawater temperatures will be some subjects covered. | ![]() | |
Lunch with the Exhibitors | 12:00 PM - 12:55 PM | |||
Classroom Seminars: Session 3 - Topic 2 • Mitigating Wakesport Boat Wakes with Floating Wave Attenuators | 1:00 PM - 1:55 PM | Over the last two decades, the popularity of surf/wake boats has continued to rise. While this popularity has been a blessing overall to the boating/marina industry, the very nature and primary function of these boats (wake boats) poses increased risks to marina facilities and shorelines. Large waves from these hulls can have damaging consequences to nearby marina facilities, if not properly protected. In some instances, these waves can actually be the governing condition to protecting the marina asset in terms of harbor tranquility – not the extreme storm event. This presentation will review the current and future technologies of surf/wake boats and quantify the range of surf/wake boat wakes to be expected. Marina owners/operators will understand how to protect their marina facilities from wakesport wakes using floating wave attenuators. This presentation will conclude with an overview of wave attenuation science, site suitability considerations, factors that affect the performance of floating wave attenuators, and recommendations for marina owners/operators considering floating wave attenuators to mitigate wakesport wakes. | ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 3 - Topic 1 Streamlining Boatyard Operations | 1:00 PM - 1:55 PM | There is no task more challenging in the Marina Industry than running a boatyard. In this session, Leonora Valvo, Co-Owner of Derecktor Ventura and Tripp Kerr, General Manager of Safe Harbor Shelter Island, will discuss their companies’ strategies for modernizing an age-old industry. | ![]() ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 3 - Topic 3 First Responders | 1:00 PM - 1:55 PM |
Meet four top-level Harbor Patrol Officers from Ventura, Santa Barbara, Port San Luis and Morro Bay and learn about their career path to their current position; hear them describe some of their more harrowing/interesting rescues; and talk about any lessons learned from the Covid 19 pandemic. There will be time for Q and A at the end of the session. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 4 - Topic 1 Moneyball for Marinas: Using Data to Find Hidden Revenue Opportunities | 2:00 PM - 2:55 PM | In the early 2000s, Baseball GM Billy Beane became famous for turning around the Oakland A's from a low-budget losing team to an efficient team capable of winnnig against the wealthiest of components. His secret? Data. His story, which became the inspiration of the movie "Moneyball", changed baseball. Today, the strategic use of data can also change the game for marina owners and operators. This session will explain the marina data that can best reveal where hidden upside may be in your revenue potential and show you simple strategic changes you can make to compete on the same level as larger, more well-funded, properties. Whether you're at 100% occupancy or still filling slips, you'll walk away with a plan of action you can employ this season to optimize your operation. | ![]() | |
Classroom Seminars: Session 4 - Topic 2 Environmental Spills and Response | 2:00 PM - 2:55 PM | 20-30 minute PowerPoint covering: Coast Guard Sector LA/LB – who we are, what we do, and how we can serve you. Recommended actions when a discharge occurs; Coast Guard actions when we receive an NRC notification. Trends – Common causes for discharges i.e. lack of boat maintenance, operator error. Case study – highlighting progression steps to a federal case. Operation Odyssey – annual derelict vessel identification operation. 20 minute Q & A for audience | ![]() ![]() |